Friday 10 December 2010

Vintage soundtracks from the Sega mega drive

The song played over the bonus level on Cool Spot sounds like something Daft Punk would conjure up!

Couldn't find any of the original music but I found this remix of sounds and music from Micro Machines. It's grown on me.

Two tracks from Streets of Rage 1) Moon Beach and 2) Concrete Jungle.

I used to love Road Rash and the music for each location that you raced in was ace. Racing on a motorbike, using a chain to knock people off their bikes...I thought I was it. These are three of the best songs from the game (cut down because they run up to 20 minutes each!)
1) main theme 2) Alaska 3) Hawaii

Thursday 18 November 2010


Poladroid is a great little widget that you can download for free from here. The widget is essentially a polaroid camera that you can download to your desktop. You can then drag saved photo files from your computer, placing them on to the poladroid widget and after about five minutes you'll have a polaroid version of the original photo.

It's worth playing around with settings, which allow you to add scratches and a thumb print to your polaroids. This is a great widget and lets you turn photos taken yesterday in to something from the 70's!

Here are some of my own:

Cool Hunter

Earlier on this year I stumbled upon this really cool site, aptly named

The Cool Hunter roams around the UK and the rest of the world, celebrating creativity in all of its modern manifestations. The site has become the world's most-read culture and design site. It is the bench point and a leading authority on the latest innovative, original and thoughtful features in architecture, art and design, gadgets, fashion, events and music, to name just a few of the categories.

Here are a few of my favourite pages:

Pillow Fight Club:
Looks like the most fun in the world! The most recent event saw one thousand people battle it out in London and San Francsico.

Create your own cardboard cinema
Save money going to the cinema. All you need is a lot of cardboard, a decent sized TV, surround sound speakers and some popcorn. I still don't quite understand how the cardboard supports your weight, but as the images show, it can be done.

SOUND Phuket night club
Looks like a night club from the future.

Mishare - Share music
The Mishare is a handy little gadget that enables you and a friend to connect two ipods and swap songs and albums, without needing to use a computer. Simple.

A life-size pinball machine!
A colourful human-scale pinball machine completely lit by LED lights. It's like some surreal dream.

Thursday 12 August 2010

Sortin' Out

I've been sorting through a load of old stuff in my bedroom, taken ages though.

Fed up with my bed, it's too small for me. I have to sleep diagonally or curl up like some sort of insect. When I was younger I stuck all these stickers over the bed and stuff. Didn't really think it through back then, but it's really annoying being 21 and having Noddy and Pingu stickers scattered about your room. Don't peel off easy either. And I didn't really see the point of Noddy, he can nod off.

Friday 22 January 2010

'Caffeine' (2010) a short film

For the Portfolio Production module we had to make our own individual two minute short film. I chose to make mine about a young sketch artist with an addiction to coffee. Eventually I managed to get it filmed and edited it in three days.

Many thanks to Joe Stone who, as always, acted his heart out in it and drew all the sketches himself!

Take a gander: